« To be a community of men and women of every age and of all nations, filled with the life of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and demonstrating to the world the love, grace and wisdom of God”
We are part of the Newfrontiers family of churches, which is made up of around 800 churches in more than 60 nations.
Esperance des Nations
Founded in October 2004, the Evangelical Protestant Church Espérance des Nations is a community of men, women, children and young people, of a wide range of nationalities: ordinary people… who have met with an extraordinary God.
Our desire is to celebrate together our new life with God and to lead others to do the same. With this aim, we meet from 10am every Sunday to worship God by singing worship songs, to pray and to listen to Bible teaching. We believe that the model of Church life in the New Testament of the Bible is still relevant today, therefore we expect to see God at work in the meetings.We would be delighted to welcome you if you live in the region of Rennes, if you have come here to study, or if you are passing through. Don’t hesitate to contact us by sending us an email and we will reply as soon as possible.
We also work in partnership with an international family of churches, Newfrontiers, which keeps us in touch with what God is doing everywhere in the world, and supports us in our activity in the local area.
Our values
Our fellowship is committed to some particular values. Some of these values shown below are essential and are already put into practice, whereas some are still aspirations. In any case, this is what we strive for:
Living the grace of God
Rejoicing in worship
Persevering in prayer
Seeking the life and gifts of the Holy Spirit
Teaching the word of God
Learning from one another
Working together
Encouraging the gifts, abilities and creativity of each person
Valuing families, young people and children
Developing conviviality and friendship
Pursuing generosity
Helping the poor and destitute
Sharing the good news of the Gospel by our life and our words
Involving ourselves in church plants all over the world
Co-operating with other churches in the local area, as well as regional and international ones
Developing a structure that serves the Church’s vision